Saturday, June 18, 2011

Boys are strange.

I don't understand them, I don't think I ever will. They tell us that girls/women are confusing, when in reality they are probably more confusing than us! LOL!!

I was dating this guy for about 2 months, he was pretty much everything I was looking for in a guy, but I think our distance just got the best of us. He was always accusing me of sleeping with other guys. I don't like that crap!

Hopefully this new guy I'm talking to will be better!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Where to start...

I've always wanted to write a blog, but could never really figure it out! I'm hoping indo much better this time. Please feel free to comment or write me with any suggestions you may have!

A little about me:

I live in California, born and raised. I live here with my 2 kids, Alexis (4) and Dyllan (3). I'm a single mom. We have 2 kittens named Bonnie and Clyde :-)

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